We have provided tailored coaching and mentoring services and workshops to individuals – from CEOs to work-at-home moms, from poets to petroleum engineers.

Learn more about the training services we offer here.

We have trained hundreds of project team members including engineers, plant supervisors, field operators, land agents, community relations personnel, as well as company leaders, clergy, and board members, in our engagement, conflict resolution, communication, and emergency preparedness and response workshops.

We have also worked with schools, arts organizations, boards of directors, municipalities, and regulatory agencies.

Clients include the City of Edmonton, the City of Lethbridge, the Lethbridge Diversity and Inclusion Alliance, Access Pipeline, Enbridge, EnCana, EOG Resources Canada, Epcor, Oxbow, Peace Wapiti School Board, City of Grande Prairie, the Writers’ Guild of Alberta, the League of Canadian Poets, and many more.

As the project proponent, you are building a long-term relationship with the community where you operate. Don’t just act like a good neighbour – learn how to be one.