Dymphny Dronyk spent two decades helping clients, from sour gas plant operators to rural schools, from families to small businesses develop, implement and practice their emergency response plans.

Emergency response planning is built on a foundation of respectful and thorough stakeholder engagement, and concise communication. Clear communication and comprehensive record-keeping are the cornerstones of an effective emergency response.

Whether it is an oil company, or a municipality, or a school, or the building where we work, emergency preparedness is an intrinsic but usually hidden necessity.

Emergency management includes mitigation/prevention, response, and recovery.

Contact us if your business needs to get prepared.

Emergency Preparedness at Home

It is equally important for families and individuals to take responsibility and be prepared to cope with emergencies and natural disasters. Every home should have an emergency plan and a 72 hour emergency kit. Is your business or family prepared?

Learn how to make an emergency plan and kit here by visiting Canada’s Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.